Sunday, February 1, 2009

About Our Family

Our family started October 27,2001. We have 6 wonderful children. We realize that it is not always easy blending a family but we have done it. We have felt that we have done a pretty good job so far. Here is a little bit about our wonderful children. We'll start with Andrew, he's in the 9th grade and love anything dealing with Science. He's know learning how to drive. He'll be getting his learning permit in April. Austin just became a Deacon. He loves to play football and is in Wrestling. Jade will be turning 12 this Saturday. She's the rock of our family. Jade is my second in command I can count on her to be there when I need her. All three of these children are in piano and like it. Maddison is doing awesome in school. She's enjoys reading and playing with her friends. She also loves to play with Alex. Now Alex he LOVES school and we can't believe he is old enough to go to school. He's our little red head and we love it. Izabel is our little spit fire. She keeps all of us on our toes. She is so loving and always makes all of us smile. Scott and I are very grateful for all six of our children they bring us joy and trials into our lives. We are who we are because of them. We are proud of each of them they all are strong in the gospel and have stayed strong in their beliefs and values. We loves them dearly.


  1. Very cute Annette!! I'm happy your bloging!

  2. woohooo! Way to start blogging Annette! I want to start blogging as well. It looks great!
